- George Papadopolous
- Stirling is Ground Zero
- Background Information
- Storyline in Sequence
- Storyline in Video Clips
- Why the Silence?
- 1. George Papadopoulos
- 2. Joseph Mifsud
- 2a. Mifsud could be dead
- 2b. Mifsud & Claire Smith
- 3. Alexander Downer
- University of Stirling
- Stephan Roh
- MI6 Sting
- Brexit & David Cameron
- Brexit & Trump
- Brexit and Arron Banks
- UK Origins in Rome
- United States of Europe
- Globalism & Trump
- Imagine One World
- Origin of Fake News
- FISC/FISA U.S. Court
- Twitter and Mifsud
- Contact Ben Bradshaw
- Page One
UK Origins in Rome
The problem with explaining the origins of United Kingdom (UK) is that it does not have a written constitution; nor does it have a true starting point in time and space.
The UK is a creature of 1923 (following the Irish war for independence which left a 'rump' state in the hands of the British Crown.)
Before that date, in 1801 a new 'Kingdom of Ireland' was created by the British Crown, and it was added to the existing Kingdom of Great Britain as a Crown trophy.
The Kingdom of Great Britain was created in 1707 when the Kingdom of England (which had long ago consumed the various entities in the area now called 'Wales'), merged with the Kingdom of Scotland.
We then arrive at 1688 and "might make right", because that is when a Dutch invasion and conquest of the British Isles took place - led by "King Billy" .
Going back still further in time, we come to the establishment in 1660 of a new King of England and a new King of Scotland who were both created by General Monck who led an army to overthrow a republic which had dominated both England and Scotland. To make sure that no one talked about that, in 1660 the censorship 'Act of Oblivion' was placed into law. That made it a criminal offence to discuss past events between 1649 and 1660. The new king, son of the executed king, then claimed as if by magic, that he had begun his rule the moment that his father had died. Because everyone knew that was not true, a euphemism called 'Interregnum' came into circulation.
During that bogus period called 'Interregnum' which still pretends that events between 1649 and 1660 never happened, although everyone now admits that they did, a republic existed in both England and Scotland. See: http://foundthreads.com/03.html for more details.
This brings us to 1649 when the King of England who was also the King of Scotland, was executed. A series of events then took place which created a republic, of sorts. However, because the Crown is a corporation sole and not an individual, the Crown corporation sole (sans monarch), was left in place, and it was via this same secretive mechanism that England and Scotland were governed.
The Crown corporation sole of England was joined in 1603 to the Crown of Scotland when the King of Scotland came to London and he also became the King of England. This has become known as the 'Union of the Crowns', which is a term describing the unification of two entities operating under slightly different terms, and each one being a corporation sole.
Managing the corporation sole is a secretive Privy Council composed of several committees, and like an onion it has several layers. The inner core wields power, and its members are often hidden in plain sight because they also appear as Members of Parliament. But the half-elected Parliament is beholden to the Crown. No matter what is falsely claimed, it is not a sovereign power in and of itself. The Crown holds that power and the present Queen in merely its mascot and the Parliament an illusion of democracy.
Tracing back the origins of Kingdom of England (which forced the Kingdom of Scotland into a merger as the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707), we go back even further in time to 1531. That is when King Henry VIII of England severed his links with Rome.
It is in Rome of 1531 that the real story of England begins.
Because the powers that Henry VIII claimed, were the bogus powers claimed by the Papacy. That entity pretended that in the year 756, the Roman Emperor Constantine had given Pope Sylvester the western half of his empire. This 'gift' is known as the 'Donation of Constantine'.
What made this bogus 'gift' so important to King Henry VIII of England, is that it was alleged to have created within the Papacy the twin powers to rule spiritually (over his Church), and in a temporal (worldly) capacity. Thus, the Pope was said to rule over the Western half of the Roman Empire. That included the British Isles archipelago, of which the island of Ireland is a geographical part.
So, Pope Sylvester supposedly wore two hats: one to rule the Church, and the other to rule half of an Empire. This nonsense was challenged by many - including Luther and Calvin, and even though the Church of Rome admitted the fraud, belief in the fraud was continued by many. It was Mussolini who gave legitimacy to these twin powers, albeit in a limited sense, when in 1929 he created the Vatican State which enables the Pope in 2018 to act as both the Head of a Church and the Head of a State.
But back in the year 1531 when Henry VIII took over from the Pope, Henry VIII claimed for himself those twin powers. Henry VIII made himself head of the new Church of England and head of his Kingdom of England.
In order to accomplish this feat, Henry VIII created mirror offices to manage both Church and State.
Moving forward in time to 1972, the press was shocked to discover that these powers (derived from the bogus 'Donation of Constantine'), still existed. They were used to stop a General Strike when the Official Solicitor (temporal), was able to stroll into Pentonville Prison and release five Trades Union members who had challenged the then Prime Minister Edward Heath. Their challenge concerned the question of who had (at that time), de facto authority to manage the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (as it had become by then.)
The ancient powers of this Office were finally stripped by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1981. A succession of laws then turned this once all-powerful Office into that of a mere statutory office serving a new entity called the Supreme Court of England and Wales. Since 1981 that statutory office has been further obfuscated and diluted in power to become merely the Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts.
Because the United Kingdom lacks a written constitution setting forth the rights of 'The People' as individuals, which limits the power of government in the way that the Constitution of 1789 limits the powers of the United States government; UK involvement with the European Union has created an enormous problem. That problem is called 'Brexit', and it concerns the status of Northern Ireland in its relationship to the Republic of Ireland, which dominates most of the land mass that is the island of Ireland.